Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Disappearance of The Book

There are no futurologists who announce the disappearance of fire, wheel or alphabet, although they are millennial technical advances. However, there is talk that multimedia and the internet can end the book. The same was said when the television appeared. Since then, world book production has quadrupled. How to explain? Because you have not invented something better.

With the Internet we have returned to the alphabetic era. If we ever thought that we had entered into the civilization of images, well, the computer has re-introduced us into the Gutenberg galaxy and everyone is again forced to read. To read, a support is necessary. This support cannot be only the computer.

Even the archives are offering their documents through digital media, which represents an immense saving of money and time for researchers who will not have to travel around the world to look at an old document. Already in the sciences, many scientists work entirely with electronic journals.

The whole debate about the future of the book only makes sense if we take into account the technology of the country in question. What is true for the US cannot be true for India. However, there is an important consideration that is easy to forget. In the last three years, almost everything has changed in the digital market, and thus, good websites like Bravojoy are thriving.

That cannot be said of the printed book, which has been maintained and has improved its format over the last 400 years. The book remains the same. Technology will devour its own children. The printed book will be obsolete, but it will never die. Portals like Bravojoy provide great collection of electronic books, digital books, audiobooks etc.

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