Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Best Herbs to Grow Indoors This Winter

With the winter weather creeping in it’s time to cover up those shrubs and outdoor plants until the spring, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the gardening season is over. Herbs are great plants to grow indoors during the winter, and they’ll not only help scratch that gardening itch but they’ll provide an extra kick to your winter meals. Here are three herbs that are an absolute breeze to grow indoors in the winter.

Mint. Mint has to be one of the easiest plants to grow indoors, primarily because it’s very hard to kill! That said, mint is extremely invasive as it is a weed and will quickly spread to other plants robbing them of their resources, so mint is best planted in its own pot and kept away from other plants. Spearmint and peppermint are popular choices, and they make for great teas, jams, or garnishes for your favorite dishes.

Oregano. A well-loved classic and a must-have for any Italian-inspired dish, oregano is quite simple to grow indoors. All it really takes is adequate sunlight and you’ll have a seemingly limitless supply of the delicious herb ready to be used fresh or dried and conserved.

Basil. One of the most popular herbs to grow and wonderful for salads, sauces, and a variety of dishes, basil makes a great indoor plant to grow over the winter. That said, basil is a bit more challenging to grow than the rest, but the work is most definitely worth the reward.

Looking for more herb inspired ideas? Visit the wide variety of reads available online at

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