Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Delicious Ways to Use Up Old Bananas

It happens to the best of us, you definitely planned on eating those bananas but as soon as they started to brown they just became less and less appealing, and now you’re stuck with the prospect of yet another loaf of banana bread. Worry not! Here are three delicious ways to use up those old bananas that aren’t just another loaf of banana bread.

Banana ice cream. When you’re craving a sweet treat, banana ice cream is not only quick and delicious but healthy too! Simply slice up unused bananas and pop them in the freezer, then when the craving hits place those slices in a food processor and you’ll have delicious soft serve in a matter of minutes. Combine with peanut butter, chocolate sauce, or anything else you can dream of!

Banana pancakes. Warm and fluffy, and the perfect way to start any morning, bananas can be easily incorporated into most pancake recipes for a delicious breakfast. The truly daring can add some extra bananas on the top, or even some chocolate chips into the batter just to make them extra decadent!

Smoothies! Bananas make the perfect addition to just about any smoothie. An easy and delicious way to add more nutrients to your day, bananas are an essential element to all sorts of smoothies, be they fruit smoothies, green smoothies, protein smoothies, or any combination thereof.

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